Package-level declarations
Countdown options
Debounce options
Interval options
Throttle options
Description: useTimestamp和useTimestampRef的配置项
By default, CacheManager.cache is used for memory persistence. usePersistent is a lightweight encapsulation, you need to provide your own persistence solution globally through PersistentContext.Provider
A nullable version of useGetState
function to create a context object.
you should call this function in your PersistentSave fun to notify state update
Observe Ref as State
更符合 Compose 的函数命名方式
更符合 Compose 的函数命名方式
元组扩展,可以使用 a to b to c
This is a hook function that simplifies the use of coroutine scope. It's usage similar to the run function. Equivalent to scope.launch { }
This hook function accepts a suspend function as a parameter and returns a function(use to execute suspend function). When you call the execution function, the suspend function will be executed within the coroutine scope of the current component.
Description: 进入后台再次回到前台时执行Effect,不同于官方 API,只在再进入时才执行。 第一次渲染(不执行)-> 进入后台在返回(执行)。
A React-ish hook that returns the current value for that context.
Description: useCreation 是 useRef 的替代品 。而相比于 useRef,你可以使用 useCreation 创建一些常量, 这些常量和 useRef 创建出来的 ref 有很多使用场景上的相似, 但对于复杂常量的创建,useRef 却容易出现潜在的性能隐患。
This hook returns a publish function, use that fun to post a event.
Register a subscriber. Note that this subscription function will be removed from the subscription list after the component is uninstalled.
Use front to back effect,contrary to the useBackToFrontEffect behavior, the effect is executed when the App enters the background
Description: Using destructuring declarations on useState can cause closure problems. Using useLatestRef is a solution, but if you call the set function quickly(millisecond level), there will be a problem of state loss.
这个 hook 不同于 useList。
Description: Alias for rememberUpdatedState
Use persistent
Description: 在compose中使用state需要写一点模板代码,虽然谈不上有多麻烦,但是还是能简化一下的; 返回值是MutableState,可以解构后使用。如果是可空对象需要显示声明:
用于方便的创建派生状态,派生状态不同于普通的MutableState,他是一个只读的状态, 它只会在依赖发生变化时重新计算改变状态,在其他的框架中也称之为计算属性或者计算状态。