Package-level declarations


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typealias DispatchAsync<A> = (block: suspend CoroutineScope.(Dispatch<A>) -> A) -> Unit
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data class Store(val middlewares: Array<Middleware<Any, Any>>, val records: List<StoreRecord>)
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Redux context


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fun createStore(middlewares: Array<Middleware<Any, Any>> = emptyArray(), fn: StoreScope.() -> Unit): Store

Create store

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operator fun Store): Store
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fun ReduxProvider(store: Store, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Redux provider, you should provide a state store to this Provider by use createStore

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fun registerErr(target: String): Nothing
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inline fun <A> useDispatch(alias: String? = null): Dispatch<A>

Use dispatch, Through this hook, you can easily obtain the global dispatch function

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inline fun <A> useDispatchAsync(alias: String? = null, noinline onBefore: DispatchCallback<A>? = null, noinline onFinally: DispatchCallback<A>? = null): DispatchAsync<A>

Get a dispatch function that supports asynchronous execution. This function receives a suspend function whose return value is Action as a parameter.

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inline fun <T> useSelector(alias: String? = null): T

Use selector

inline fun <T, R> useSelector(alias: String? = null, block: T.() -> R): R

Use selector, by pass block, you can also select part of state class,to use in your component